conéctate a través de un mejor diálogo

Hombre sonriendo y vistiendo una camiseta a cuadros con un fondo de naturaleza. Es un terapeuta matrimonial y familiar licenciado que ofrece terapia en línea en Michigan.

couples therapy in Allen Park, MI; serving Michigan & Florida online

A primera vista, su relación parece estupenda. Ambos parecen felices, presentan un frente unido y se llevan muy bien .

As a result, others may turn to you for relationship advice, possibly overlooking the fact that you, too, struggle with your own relationship concerns, dismissing them as temporary challenge.

Tu compromiso con tu pareja es inquebrantable, reconoces los puntos fuertes del otro, estas dispuesto a admitir tus propias imperfecciones y crees de verdad que aún le amas.

To anyone's knowledge, your relationship is thriving. After all, you’ve been at this for quite a while, and it looks like you have a supportive, "ride-or-die" partner.

Pero, a pesar de esta fachada, a menudo se siente solo, frustrado y, a veces, desesperado.

Ayudo a las parejas que se sienten desconectadas y divididas a reforzar su vínculo y volver a acercarse.

Imagen en blanco y negro de una pareja cogida de la mano. Muestra cómo Nate Carela ofrece terapia en línea a parejas de Michigan y Florida.

Something is “off” in your daily interactions. Conversations often turn into heated arguments and affection is hard to come by. It’s also been a while since you’ve had real fun together.

Estás preparado para dejar de sufrir y empezar a prosperar de nuevo, para disfrutar de la risa y el cariño del otro.

You desire to build a deeply connected relationship with mutual goals and the ability to share your true feelings, wishes, and dreams.

Si te sientes desconectado de tu pareja, atrapado en un conflicto o estancado en la negatividad, has llegado al lugar adecuado.

Pareja de pie cara a cara cerca uno del otro. Esto muestra cómo Nate Carela ofrece terapia de pareja en línea en Michigan.

Comience a reconectar hoy.

Having supported countless couples in fortifying their connection, intensifying intimacy, and flourishing in the face of challenges, I can assure you that couples therapy can be an anticipated and rewarding journey.

To streamline the process, I offer a user-friendly online client portal and secure online therapy. In-person sessions are available in Allen Park, Michigan. Let’s work together!

Agenda una conversación de 20 minutos gratuita y sin compromiso.

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Estas son mis especialidades.

I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) in Michigan and Florida, offering in-person therapy in Allen Park, MI, and online therapy across both states. I specialize in individual and couples therapy, welcoming a diverse clientele, including multiracial, Spanish-speaking, and spiritually-minded individuals.

  • Unlock Your True Feelings and Wishes: Your deepest emotions often go unspoken due to your partner's defensiveness. While you've tried different communication strategies, achieving consistent results is still challenging. Don't lose hope—a deeper connection is within reach. Allow me to assist you.


  • Anxiety, worry, and fear can feel overwhelming, especially when paired with endless tasks and self-doubt. At night, the constant mental chatter may steal your sleep. Let's explore these patterns in therapy and work together to find practical steps for restoring peace.


  • Congrats on your engagement! As you approach the final stretch of wedding planning, it's crucial to address all aspects of your relationship. A research-based couples' assessment, can provide a 360-degree view of your relationship, pinpointing its strengths and challenges. This will empower you to confidently navigate your future together as a united team.


  • I am contracted with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Care Network, and Blue Care Network Advantage (Medicare).

    If you have out-of-network coverage with another insurance provider, I can assist you in seeking reimbursement. Depending on your plan, your insurance may cover a portion of our fees.

¿Listo para reconectar con su pareja?


Hombre sonriendo, con una camiseta a cuadros y un fondo de naturaleza. Es un terapeuta matrimonial y familiar licenciado que ofrece terapia en línea en Michigan.